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Come Fly With Me - hacer clic para una imagen más grande
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Título Come Fly With Me
Artículo no. 3167077
Categoría Big band/conjunto de jazz
Subcategoría Big Band/Banda de Jazz
Instrumentación/orquestación BB (big band)
Instrumentación/Información feature: tenor saxophone
País de edición Estados Unidos (us)
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Compositor Van Heusen, Jimmy; Cahn, Sammy
Arreglista Byers, Billy
Nivel de dificultad 2
Otros detalles/contenidos style: Swing
grade: Medium
weight: 1 lb.

The Count Basie Orchestra performed the music of Billy Byers for many, many years. His arrangement of 'Come Fly With Me' is recorded on the Basie album Frankly Basie: Count Basie Plays the Hits of Frank Sinatra. Set in an up-tempo swing feel, Byers hits it hard from bar 1 and doesn't let up until the end of the chart. The interplay between saxophones and brass is clever and energetic, while the full ensemble writing is classic Basie sound at its finest. There is solo space for tenor saxophone, with fantastic ensemble backgrounds throughout much of it. No jazz library is complete without this classic Count Basie chart! 5-4-4-4
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