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Título Johannesburg Festival Overture
Artículo no. 3168251
Categoría Banda sinfónica/brass band
Subcategoría (obra sin asignación)
Instrumentación/orquestación Ha (banda de música)
Formato Prt (partitura)
Artículo principal Johannesburg Festival Overture, Ha (PrtStm)
País de edición Estados Unidos (us)
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Compositor Walton, William
Arreglista Noble, Paul
Otros detalles/contenidos Johannesburg Festival Overture was composed for orchestra by William Walton for the 70th anniversary of Johannesburg, South Africa in 1956. Walton received the commission from Ernest Fleischmann, musical director of the Johannesburg Festival Committee, to celebrate the seventieth anniversary of the city. Fleischmann included in his request to 'include some African themes'. For inspiration he requested recordings of African music from the African Music Society. The effect of these recordings can be heard with percussionists performing on eleven instruments. The composer also incorporated the main theme from Jean Bosco Mwenda's 'Masanga' (which had been released on record in 1954). Walton described the piece to his publisher as 'a non-stop gallop...slightly crazy, hilarious and vulgar'. This arrangement for Concert band captures the original color, excitement, and energy of the original orchestra work, and should become a staple in the repertoire of excellent bands
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