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Título Magnificat
Artículo no. 3197724
Categoría Coro/voces
Subcategoría (Coro mixto, con acompañamiento - sin asignación)
Instrumentación/orquestación VoSoSop (soprano vocal); VoSoTen (tenor solo voz); CoroX (coro mixto); SymO (orquesta sinfónica); 4Jazz (cuarteto de jazz)
Formato Prt (partitura)
País de edición Suiza (ch)
Editorial * Los campos que lleven una estrella (*) son accesibles solamente a los Socios del Club después de Registrarsehacer clic aquí
Artículo no. de la editorial * Los campos que lleven una estrella (*) son accesibles solamente a los Socios del Club después de Registrarsehacer clic aquí
Fecha de publicación 2003
Compositor Szentpali, Roland
Duración 25:00
Otros detalles/contenidos 'The Magnificat was commissioned by Gabor Hollerung for the Dohnányi Philharmonic Orchestra, after my Saxophone Quartet Concerto had a big success in it's Hungarian premiere.
The lyrics is the original latin Magnificat text. There are beautiful Magnificats, written by Vivaldi, Bach and many more. I just wanted to write something in the 'language' of today's common people, mixing the traditional symphony orchestra and choir with jazz trio, and giving space for a modern raper narrator.
I had a lot of fun to compose it, and the performances showed that audience enjoys it very much too.'
Roland Szentpali, May 2012, Budapest (Hungary).

It was commissioned by Gabor Hollerung, premiered in Music Academy on 8th hungarian Choir festival. Later was played in Brehmen and Taiwan Choir Olympics.
The recording is from the premier.
Cecilia Lloyd - soprano
Boldizsar László - tenor
Balint Rabi - rap
Sandor Zsemlye - saxophone
Adam Nagy - guitar
Zsolt Nagy - drums

Dohnányi Philharmonic Orchestra
Budapest Choir, Honved Choir
Conducted by: Gabor Hollerung

Gewicht: 0.281
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