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10 Etudes - hacer clic para una imagen más grande
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Título 10 Etudes
Artículo no. 4028326
Categoría Pedagogía/literatura para solistas
Subcategoría Guitarra solo
Instrumentación/Información Git (guitarra)
País de edición Estados Unidos (us)
Editorial * Los campos que lleven una estrella (*) son accesibles solamente a los Socios del Club después de Registrarsehacer clic aquí
Artículo no. de la editorial * Los campos que lleven una estrella (*) son accesibles solamente a los Socios del Club después de Registrarsehacer clic aquí
Fecha de publicación 2008
Compositor Regondi, Giulio
Arreglista Orphee, Matanya
Nivel de dificultad 5
Otros detalles/contenidos As described by editor Matanya Ophee: 'Since they first came to light in 1987, the Ten Etudes by Giulio Regondi (1822–1872) have become an integral part of the guitar repertoire all over the world. Their undisputed value was, and still is, not only their unique artistic excellence as paragons of a compositional inspiration seldom seen in guitar music of the nineteenth century, but also their function as didactic material in many teaching programs, both private and public. The present edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect a clearer picture of the harmony and a better depiction of the actual durations of the notes of the several voices. At the same time, a new layer of editorial fingering has been added, mainly to provide students and amateurs with easier access to this music.' Complete with historical and performance notes. For intermediate to advanced players.
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