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Suite of Ayres for the Theatre in F major - Muestra de música
Muestra de música
Título Suite of Ayres for the Theatre in F major
Artículo no. 4057343
Categoría Pedagogía/literatura para solistas
Subcategoría Trompeta con acompañamiento
Instrumentación/Información Trp (trompeta en Si bemol); Key (instrumento de teclado)
País de edición Alemania (de)
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Título de serie Music for the King's Trumpeter Series
Compositor Clarke, Jeremiah
Arreglista Steele-Perkins, Crispian
Nivel de dificultad 3
Otros detalles/contenidos Part for: Trumpet in Bb

1. Trumpet Song: British Library (BL) London, Add.MS 15318 This is the 'Second Act Tune' from the semiopera 'The Island Princess' with music by Clarke, Daniel Purcell and Leveridge; the tune is well known from other versions, but in this simple four part harmonisation no trumpet part is actually specified.
2. Slow Air: BL KlOa (16) Published in 1711 by King, Young and Hare.
3. Rondo: BLAdd.MS 15318 Taken from 'The Island Princess', this brief instrumental interlude rests the trumpet and introduces the listener to a different key.
4. Cibell BLAdd.MS 15318 This rare and beautiful piece of writing for the trumpet appears in the appendix to 'The Island Princess', originally in two parts.
5. The Gigue: BLAdd. MS 39565/7; 30839 From the Part Books of 'Suite de Clerk' in the British Library
6. The Serenade BL K314 This also appears in the above mentioned part books and numerous other sources; it appears to have been a particularly popular piece.
7. Minuett: Royal College of Music Library, London Published by Walsh in 1702
8. RoundO: BL K314 Also in the part books containing the Gigue and the Serenade; sometimes known as 'The Prince of Denmark's March', it was mistakenly popularised for many years as 'Purcell's Trumpet Voluntary'.
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