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September 15th 1940 - hacer clic para una imagen más grande
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Título September 15th 1940  agotado 
Artículo no. 4100218
Categoría Banda sinfónica/brass band
Subcategoría Música contemporánea (1945-presente)
Instrumentación/orquestación Ha (banda de música)
País de edición Reino Unido (uk)
Editorial * Los campos que lleven una estrella (*) son accesibles solamente a los Socios del Club después de Registrarsehacer clic aquí
Compositor Goodwin
Duración 5:23
Otros detalles/contenidos Ron Goodwin is one of the most prolific composers of film scores and light concert music of recent years, and several of his film themes, such as 633 Squadron and The Battle of Britain, are well-established in the repertoire of all RAF bands. This new concert piece was written for and dedicated to the Central Band and is a musical description of what is now recognised to be the most significant day of the Battle of Britain and the day on which is commemoration is held. The opening section depicts the anticipation and tension felt by the pilots on standby, waiting to be scrambled. This is followed by fast, exciting music reflecting the breathless flurry of scramble, engagement and final safe return to base.
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September 15th 1940 - hacer clic aquí September 15th 1940 (banda de música)  agotado 
A Tribute to the Few - hacer clic aquí A Tribute to the Few, Audio-CD

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